Winter Walk in the Frontenpark 'Encounters in the Rarefied Winter Air’
25 January 2015On Sunday 25 January, Bureau Europa is organising a winter walk: Encounters in the Rarefied Winter Air.
Walk with us through the Lage Fronten.
On Sunday 25 January, Bureau Europa is organising a winter walk: Encounters in the Rarefied Winter Air.
Walk with us through the Lage Fronten.
Discover the unknown and let word, image and sound pleasantly surprise you. And enjoy a bowl of hot food.
Theater group Plankgas (‘voedertijd’), De Duitsers (‘Tu-with Tu-Whoo’) - Lena Meyskens (singer) - Herman Coenen, Joost Horward / Karmijnrood Podiumkunst (artistic guidance) and divers musicians will make this winter walk a special experience.
Practical Information Warm clothing and sturdy shoes are recommended. In event of mild rain the walk will go ahead.
Date: Sunday 25 January 2015
The walks take approximately an hour and leave at 11:00, 13:00 and 15:00.
Starting point: Meet at entrance Frontenpark at the Information Point / exit Q-Park Cabergerweg.
Please register to participate: (up to 30 people can join each walk).