Celebratory Launch
Gerdo van Grootheest, City Councillor for Development, Planning, Landscape Development, Animal Welfare, and Sport & Recreation, represents the municipality of Maastricht for the official introduction of this innovative hive. Everyone is welcome to attend. There will be refreshments and festive activities for young and old.
Sky Hive Solar
The Sky Hive Solar – a beehive mounted on a 7-meter pole – makes it possible to safely keep bees in public spaces. This version of the Sky Hive is an improved version of the prototype manufactured for the temporary Sphinx Park, where two colonies were cared for by a group of local residents under the supervision of an experienced beekeeper.
Sky Hive Solar’s solar energy allows the beehive to be automatically hoisted up and down. Sky Hive Solar’s creators, BEE Collective, have been asked to exhibit during this summer's World Expo in Milan, a testament to this exceptional design.
About the initiators
The placing the Sky Hive Solar is an initiative of BEE Collective and Bureau Europa and is realised in collaboration with the municipality of Maastricht and in particularly the Belvedere project.
Date: Saterday 25 April, 13:00 – 16:00
Location: Frontenpark
Admission: free