Exhibitoin of the works of winnner and nominees the Hermine van Bers Art Prize Award during KunstTour
2 till 4 June 2017On Friday 2 June, during the opening of the KunstTour weekend, the Hermine van Bers Art Prize is awarded to Mike Moonen.
On Friday 2 June, during the opening of the KunstTour weekend, the Hermine van Bers Art Prize is awarded to Mike Moonen.
Exhibitoin of the works of the Hermine van Bers Art Prize Award during KunstTour.
On Friday 2 June, during the KunstTour weekend, the Hermine van Bers Art Prize is awarded. Paula van den Bosch, curator contemporary art at the Bonnefantenmuseum, award the prize to Mike Moonen.
The nominees were:
• Emile Hermans
• Elke Lutgerink
• Mike Moonen
Works by the three nominated artists will be shown during the KunstTour weekend at Bureau Europa, Lumière, and the Muziekgieterij. Specially for this exhibition, Bureau Europa is also open on Monday
The jury are Paula van den Bosch, Bonnefantenmuseum; Peter Fransman, Municipality of Sittard-Geleen; Ad Himmelreich, Provincie Limburg; Charlotte Lagro, 2015 prize winner; and Catharien Romijn, DSM.
Opening: 2 June 2017 at 19:00, welcome from 18:30 at Lumière
KunstTour: 2 June – 5 June 2017
Admission: free
Locations: Lumière, Muziekgieterij, Bureau Europa