Dutch Dance Festival at Bureau Europa: Nightwalking II

8 October 2016

People who are born deaf and blind gain little or no information by hearing and seeing, they have to rely on touch and movement. How they then express themselves is unique and often difficult to understand. Nightwalking II is an interdisciplinary installation in which you can experience for yourself what it is to have been born deaf and blind. A part of the installation is the film Touched, in which dancers, experts in the field of body language, meet these people.

The installation is an individual experience which takes about 20 minutes. This may mean that when buying a ticket for example at 15:00h, you will be able to enter between 15:00h and 15:40h. To minimize your wait, before the festival you will receive an e-mail with the expected entrance time. During the festival tickets can only be purchased at the UITbalie of Theater aan het Vrijthof. There you will immediately receive your expected entrance time.

An installation by MICH Foundation, ICKamsterdam, moviemakers Ellen Blom and Marcel Prins, artist Sandra den Ouden, dr. Saskia Damen Rijksuniversiteit Groningen, healthcare institutions Koninklijke Kentalis St Michielsgestel and Bartiméus Doorn.

Online tickets sales for the Dutch Dance Festival are available via www.nederlandsedansdagen.nl/en/publiek/kaarten/kaartverkoop/

Date: 8 October, from 12:00 till 21:30, tour takes 20 minutes
Reservation: obliged
Location: Bureau Europa

Dutch Dance Festival: Nightwalking II