After workshops in Maastricht and Aachen, the next meeting of New Economy, Old Borders will be held in Genk, where we’ll be looking from a Flemish perspective at the opportunities of spatial-economic cross-border collaborations.
After the closure of Ford Genk Flanders started working hard on a targeted and innovative approach to realise economic growth in Limburg with the goal to build a long-term sustainable economic structure.
T.OP Limburg (Territorial Developmentprogramme Limburg) has a strong emphasis on networking. This should be the basis for a future model. A model with a strong circular economy and good connectivity between strategic plans. This network does nog stop at national borders. It is therefore important to consider how, for example T.OP Limburg and the Kennis-As Limburg can reinforce each other.
To connect with the subject, this 3rd workshop will take place at the Icubathor at Thor park in Genk where there will be presentations on T.OP Limburg, circular economy and energy transition. All from the perspective of cross-border collaboration.
The different workshops results form a kit of Euregional cases, which will be used as a basis for the ISOCARP congres’s agenda.
12:00 Welcome with smal lunch
13:30 Tour at Thor Park
by Paul Olaerts, Head of Economics Department, City of Genk.
14:00 Introduction on the topic of the cross-border collaboration
by Mayor of Genk, Wim Dries, who is also the moderator of this workshop
14:15 T.OP Limburg – Territorial Development Programme Limburg,
by Liesl Vanautgaerden, project manager Ruimte Vlaanderen
15:00 Short break
15:15 Circular Economy in the region Genk,
by Veerle Labeeuw, programme manager OVAM
15:45 EnergyVille, Research into sustainable energy and smart energy systems,
by Ronnie Belmans, CEO Energyville, and professor at KU Leuven.
16:15 Discussion
16:45 Drinks
Date: 18 September 2015
Time: 13:30 – 17:00
Language: English
Location: Incubathor, Thor Park, Genk
Cooperating partners:
Municipality of Maastricht, Limburg Province, RWTH Aachen, and Bureau Europa in collaboration with BuroSTUB and Studio Stad.
For more information: or tel: 00316 146 596 37