De Toonzaal #2: Chantal Le Doux

7 maart t/m 15 april 2018

In De Toonzaal ontmoeten toevallige voorbijgangers elke zes weken terloops een andere ruimtelijke of beeldende ervaring. Chantal Le Doux is de tweede kunstenaar die zij zullen ontmoeten.

Every six weeks in De Toonzaal, passers-by can encounter a different spatial or visual experience. Chantal Le Doux is the second artist they will meet.

Chantal Le Doux
In work that moves between different disciplines, such as painting and creating objects and installation, Chantal Le Doux creates a visual universe with its own laws and language. Her work can be seen as spatial painting, which transforms according to her presence in and interpretation of any given setting.

Image: Lyanne Polderman

Date: opening 7 March 2018, 17:00–19:00, the presentation can be seen until 15 April.
Admission: free
Location: Bureau Europa

De opening van De Toonzaal #2